Saturday, June 20, 2009

FREE Ebook download - PPC, SEO or both?

Just recently I experimented a little with SEOing my websites. I always refused to learn about SEO thinking it was too complicated, while setting up a PPC campaign seemed so much easier.

Guess what!? Now that I started and slowly getting the hang of it here are my results with 6 websites of mine:

4 are on the 1st page of google and 2 are on the 2nd.

In addition I am still running my PPC campaigns and my sales almost tripled.

If you want to experiment a little yourself, feel free to download Brad Callens SEO tips by clicking on the link below.

Don't worry if you don't "get" everything in the beginning, it will come to you eventually, just like it did for me and I am no genius at all.