Monday, March 30, 2009

Free Help vom Google

Hi Everyone,

Just a very quick note today but I had
to let you know about this...

You know, one of the reasons why most people
have difficulty using Google Adwords is
because they don't know how to use it properly.

There are so many different elements to the
system and it can be confusing.

If you're one of those people who are having
a tough time with the set up, then what I've
just discovered should help you out alot...

It's a whole bunch of video from Google
explaining each step of the set-up process.

It's an excellent resource, very informative
and extremely comprehensive...

You obviously don't have to pay anything so
when you have a hour or two spare, watch
them here: 

Hope they help... 

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blog With Success

Well it's good news for blog owners because someone has finally filled an obvious lack in the majority of WordPress blogs. WordPress blog owners have been fighting a battle with one arm tied behind their back. Especially when they were taught to believe that all they needed to do was set up a blog and make a few posts to drive extraordinary amounts of traffic to their sites. Really, it is Ridiculous! You see, it is very possible to drive traffic and make the most out of your WordPress blog. But you absolutely must set up the correct way. The optimized way. The great thing about WordPress, is that there are a ton of options available to you to optimize your blog for not only to search engines, but for many aspects to. Like Web 2.0, social bookmarking, audio and video, and much much more. Now, you can spend your time banging your head against the wall and searching for the best way to set everything up, or you can get everything laid out for you in a super simple step-by-step system. That is exactly what Blog With Success is. This system comes with a graphically packed PDF file that literally takes you by the hand and walks you step-by-step through every crucial aspect of setting up your WordPress blog. But that's not all, far from it... Blog with Success comes with over 20 videos to show you exactly what to do, step-by-step. Here's just a few things Blog with Success covers... * how to easily install WordPress in 3 minutes flat * the three simple tweaks guaranteed to skyrocket your blog to the top of the search engines * two plugins that will take your stagnate blog to SEO stardom * the absolute easiest way to tag your blog posts * surefire ways to make the search engines fall in love with your URLs * how to quickly and easily add video and audio to your blog * and much much more And that is not even listing all of the Web 2.0 stuff that is covered! Anyway, I highly suggest that you 

go check it out by clicking HERE right now. Blog with Success is a killer system, and I just want to let you all know. Go ahead and post a comment below, and let me know about the killer results you have received from. Regards, Nadja Blog With Success

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tip of the Day

If you are thinking about buying another product out there, first go to the Warriorforum and check out what those guys have to say about it.
Been Live Saving to me more than once.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Free Online Advertising

Hi everybody out there,

really quick Input for you today.

I found a place, where you can advertise for free. Had one of my sites listed with them yesterday and already 1 conversion.

Best Part it's FREE and Works.

You can see how it looks like below the Google Ad's here on my Blog.

Try it:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Almost forgot

Here is a free report on CPA Marketing, I think it's worth reading, especially since it's free.

Don't mind the babbling in the video (He actually cut out the driving around in his car part, HA!!)

Anyway, yes, you have to leave your email adress to get to the report, but then again, you can just unsubscribe from that list as easily, once you have the report, right?

Just FYI, if you should decide against my humble opinion and buy, whatever he wants to sell, I won't make any money, so don't come complaining to me. You were just supposed to download the free e-book, remember?

First Things First

Which is a little bit about me and some ranting about the "Guru's.

I am promoting Affiliate Programs for a little over a year now and I am finally at a point, where I actually make some money, as opposed to loosing most of it to my BFF Google Adwords.

I went through a lot of trials end errors, bought every single e-book on IM and Affiliate Marketing out there and got a little wiser with every book I read and every video I watched.

A lot of e-books and marketing videos basicly tell you the same thing over and over again, so you try it over and over again and you fail over and over again. Yep, Been There.

Some of the "Stuff" I bought into, I returned the same day and had my money refunded, because it stunk so badly. 

Other "Stuff" was actually pretty good and helped me a lot.

Ever had that "Ah, that is how this works" Light Bulb going on in your head? That's the good stuff.

You can ask me about every single Affiliate Know-How e-book or program out there, I probably know them all. As you can see there is no link to any of those products or programs here yet, so you can expect an honest answer.

As time went by, I've gotten really good at spotting free offers from Guru's, which are just as good and helpful as the paid versions.

This is mainly what this Blog is all about.

Giving you a heads up on some of those free offers out there.

Now, I can not promise you, that I will never come at you with a recommendation for a product that you have to pay for. But then again, buying it, would be you choice now, wouldn't it?

For now, we'll go with the free Versions.

As for the ranting, I do have a Poll on this site, just because I was wondering.

Is anyone else as annoyed as me, when those Guru's instead of getting to the point, blabber endlessly about all kinds of crap for 30 minutes, driving around in their sportscars and then for the last 2 minutes, they give you the info, you actually came to hear?

Just curios.

And that is that.